2020, What's Going On?

In 1971, Marvin Gaye released his 11th studio album titled What’s Going On. The hit song from the album with the same name is an iconic plea for peace on Earth. Today, these lyrics seem just as relevant.

We are nearing the end of the fourth month of the year and it completely feels like a different year than how many of us first thought this year would be. If you’re like me, you may have bought yourself a 2020 planner with gold cursive font on the cover reading This is My Best Year Yet. If you were also like me, you could not wait to shake 2019 off your back and begin afresh in the new year. As a team, we are still holding on to hope that perhaps this will be our best year yet and this is definitely a new beginning for all of us.

So here is what has been going on behind the scenes… we have a big goal to reach 10,000 girls and women this year. Yes, amidst social distancing and limited mobility we will reach 10,000 girls in Nigeria in 2020. Unfortunately, periods don’t end with lockdowns so we won’t stop. We have had Zoom meetings and Google hangouts to figure out how we can achieve this. What we have learned is that this organization is ultimately built on the commitment of us and many of you who believe that women deserve to have dignified periods. We hope to leverage the relationships and partnerships we have cultivated over the past 3 years to do this work.

At the heart of who we are, we stand firm in our belief that access to hygiene is a fundamental human right. Menstrual products are an essential product that all humans with vaginas need to live their lives. These products should be clean and safe to use. We believe menstrual equity can be achieved, and we hope you will join us on this journey.

Photo credits Pinterest Rawpixel 2020

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