MEET the women behind S.A.N.G


KARO OMU, Founder

Karo Omu is passionate about social change.  She currently focuses on working with community members to improve the quality of the lives of women and children.


CYNTHIA NDECHE, country director

Inspired by a Twitter conversation, Cynthia now directs operations for Sanitary Aid for Nigerian Girls in order to ensure every girl child from a low income home has access to free reusable sanitary pads and quality sanitary hygiene education. In her spare time, she watches videos of cats and pittbulls.


TOLANI THOMAS, director fundraising & development

Tolani Thomas is a Business Development Consultant, Entrepreneur, and the Principal Consultant at Halisi Consulting Company, a business consulting agency based in Lagos, Nigeria.

She is an ardent supporter of causes that benefit girls and women.


GABRIELLA SCOTT, director design strategy & TECHNOLOGY

Gabriella is an Energy Expert and Program Manager working across renewable energy product development & engineering. When she isn’t working, she enjoys spending long hours in quiet cafes, learning a new language or just playing a game of tennis.



Alexa Chukwumah is a graduate of Brown University who is passionate about gender equity and African development. Having lived in Lagos, Nigeria her whole life her activism and feminism are rooted in empowering the everyday Nigerian woman. Outside of work, she spends her time reading African literature, managing Sanitary Aid's blog as well as organizing fundraising efforts.


tife soloye, media & communications

A feminist and activist, she is a media and communications professional who seeks to create and curate content and campaigns for brands and NGO's. She believes impacting lives and giving back is core to our existence as a formidable community and at the basis of these things is the need for women's rights and equality. 


adefunke onafuye, planning, procurement & logistics

A Marketing and Communications professional with a BSc in Economics and Sociology from the University of a Cape Coast.

Funke enjoys writing, research and social media.


IFY MBANUGO, DIRECTOR media & communications

Woman. Human. Ally.

Ify is immensely passionate about resolution of period problems and conversations around period stigma.


Karen onigbinde, human resources lead

A super-powered Product Manager; juggling a day job, SANG work, and self-imposed lessons for self development and to learn about the million and one things she finds interesting. 

In her few moments of respite, you’ll find her reading a book, watching re-runs of Friends, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or any of the movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 


Stephanie odili, planning, procurement & logistics

Stephanie is a novelist, poet, journalist and activist with major interests in women empowerment, gender equality, nation building and child education. Her goals are to cause significant and positive change through her writings and speaking and to make a significant difference in journalism, literature, governance, activism, and charity. She also enjoys teaching, organising, and watching movies.  


Lade ganikale, Administrative lead

Lade thoroughly enjoys her role as the administrative personnel for SANG where she majorly oversees all administrative programs for the organization. Lade is passionate about women and children rights and she has given herself to the fight by working with multiple Non-Profit Organisations fighting towards providing justice for victims and making the world a better and safer place.

Her passion has led her to founding a Non Profit Organisation where the aim is to eradicate sexual abuse and build a society where boundaries are respected by teaching consent to children, teenagers and adults in schools and various communities. She also co-founded another Non Profit where they are working towards providing domestic workers across Nigeria with quality education


OLAMIDE odukoya, director outreach

Mide is a student of Psychology at the University of Ibadan - passionate cook and radio presenter. She enjoys reading, volunteering and hope to one day own her own restaurant and daycare centre.


tosin dada-phillips, fundraising & development

Tosin is an Economist turned Business Developer, with a special interest in Business Strategy Analysis. She currently works in a Blockchain Technology Solutions firm and is obsessed with everything in the emerging technologies space.

She enjoys talking and having good discussions, as she hopes to have her own talk show one day. When she is not looking for the next best restaurant to have a good meal and a tasty cocktail, Tosin can be found exploring with a paintbrush and Palette or exploring Netflix.  


chidera ogbu, outreach coordinator, abuja

Chidera is the founder of Olaedo Naturals limited - a hair and skincare brand in Nigeria.

She’s passionate about women’s health and rights.